Tuesday 19 January 2016

Overview Of Personal Development


            Personal development is a lifelong process. It’s a way for people to assess their skills and qualities, consider their aims in life and set goals in order to realize and maximize their potential.
This page helps you to identify the skills you need to set life goals which can enhance your employ ability prospects, raise your confidence and lead to a more fulfilling, higher quality life.  Plan to make relevant, positive and effective life choices and decisions for your future to enable personal empowerment.
             Although early life development and early formative experiences within the family, at school, etc. can help to shape us as adults, personal development should not stop later in life. 

Practical Steps to Personal Development:

Practical steps can be taken to enhance personal development, including:
  • Organizing your time.
  • Producing a personal CV or resume.
  • Undertaking a skills appraisal.
  • Looking at your transferable skill.
  • Overcoming barriers to learning a new skill.

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