Tuesday 19 January 2016

Love vs Fear

  • LOVE IS UNCONDITIONAL (fear is conditional) 
  • LOVE IS STRONG (fear is weak) 
  • LOVE RELEASES (fear obligates)
  • LOVE SURRENDERS (fear binds)
  • LOVE IS HONEST (fear is deceitful)
  • LOVE TRUSTS (fear suspects) 
  • LOVE ALLOWS (fear dictates)
  • LOVE GIVES (fear resists) 
  • LOVE FORGIVES (fear blames) 
  • LOVE IS COMPASSIONATE (fear pities)
  • LOVE CHOOSES (fear avoids)
  • LOVE IS KIND (fear is angry) 
  • LOVE IGNITES (fear incites) 
  • LOVE EMBRACES (fear repudiates) 
  • LOVE CREATES (fear negates) 
  • LOVE HEALS (fear hurts) 
  • LOVE IS MAGIC (fear is superstitious)
  • LOVE ENERGIZES (fear saps)
  • LOVE IS AN ELIXIR (fear is a poison) 
  • LOVE INSPIRES (fear worries)
  • LOVE DESIRES (fear Jones-es) 
  • LOVE IS PATIENT (fear is nervous) 
  • LOVE IS BRAVE (fear is afraid) 
  • LOVE IS RELAXED (fear is pressured) 
  • LOVE IS BLIND (fear is judgmental) 
  • LOVE RESPECTS (fear disregards)
  • LOVE ACCEPTS (fear rejects)
  • LOVE DREAMS (fear schemes)
  • LOVE WANTS TO PLAY (fear needs to control)
  • LOVE ENJOYS (fear suffers)
  • LOVE FREES (fear imprisons) 
  • LOVE BELIEVES (fear deceives)
  • LOVE “WANTS” (fear “needs”)

        Fear is going to be a player in your life, but you get to decide how much. You can spend your whole life imagining ghosts, worrying about your pathway to the future, but all there will ever be is what's happening here, and the decisions we make in this moment, which are based in either love or fear. 

        Are you reaching for what you love, or running away from what you fear? The right choice can make a huge difference to your success, your sense of fulfillment, and your happiness.

        Just think about it at least one time in life.

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